Full disclosure

In the interest of full disclosure, I offer up this picture, taken this summer, of me (back left) with cast members of "Driving Miss Daisy" and Ohio Gov. Bob Taft and his much-too-good-for-him wife, Hope Taft. Just for the record, I have never received money to write anything positive about the embattled governor (still haven't gotten your check, Bob.) And no, Jack Abramoff had nothing to do with this little junket (and you can't prove that he did, because the staged pictures with Jack were burned...I think.)
Actually, this little suaree cost me money because I had to get up early, go to the theater, perform the play in 90 degree temperatures for the Governor and his travel writer entourage, then come back later that night and do the play again for the regular paying folks.
I'm just not working this graft and corruption thing right.
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