Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Ride the tiger

What happens when you indoctrinate an entire culture with the idea that horrific, mindless violence is the way to express your displeasure with the movers and shakers of society?

Among the Palestinians
, you have a democratic election immediately and chaotically followed by huge armed protests among the new power brokers, Hamas, with attempts to storm the parliament building and forcefully remove President Mahmoud Abbas. Escalating violence will almost certainly follow as Fatah resists relinquishing governmental control to the popularly-elected Hamas.

Adding to this volatile mix is an infusion of young people who have been raised to think self destruction in the act of killing one's enemies is an acceptable and honorable career track. I'm thinking rival Palestinian power brokers, now the enemies, will become just-as-attractive targets as busloads of Jewish schoolchildren.

The elevation of Hamas to preeminence is also expected to close the spigot on a lot of international aid which had been coming Palestine's way. I don't see the U.S. continuing to fund a government run by people who rank near the top of our terrorist list and European countries had been used to taking the glib Yasser Arafat at his word, while ignoring his deeds. There is no ignoring the despicable deeds of Hamas, credit for which has been eagerly claimed and widely trumpeted.

And the Palestinian voters bear their share of the blame for this impasse. How stupid do you have to be to vote into power the group dedicated to the destruction of the people with whom you're trying to make peace.? Do they not realize they exist only through Israel's continued forebearance? Do they really think they are a match for the Israelis militarily?

So you have an insanely furious tiger trying to be ridden by feuding Palestinian masters, both of whom have had their part in teasing the tiger into its current state. As funding dries up, the desperation of hunger will be added to the mix.

The only hope I see is for Hamas to abandon its core principles and commit to peace with the Israelis. I just can't picture that happening - Hamas is too invested in and convinced of the success of its anti-Israeli agenda.

Ride the tiger, Hamas, until you're unseated and eaten. Just remember, this mess is of your own making.


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