Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Resolving to be more bloggerific!

I used to write a lot.

When I was a reporter, it was nothing for me to crank out4-5 stories of 750 words or more, completed from multiple-sourced interviews, for an issue of the daily paper. I could write (and probably still can) a complete game summary with quotes and stats from a sporting event in under half an hour.

So why have I been neglecting this blog?

There's no reason. Or perhaps a better explanation is...there's no compelling reason to keep it up. I'm not sure how many people visit, though I've never been a link whore creeling for attention. I do it for keep my writing skills from atrophy. It takes a backseat to any number of things...duties around the farm, hitting the woods during hunting season, chauferring the family. If I get lazy and miss a few days, who's going to notice?

What's one less voice shouting into the wind?

The insignificance of this page in the wider internet world is daunting, but it's also somewhat comforting. No one is hanging on my every word. There are no legions of letter writers from every side of every issue ready ready to dip their quills in their inkwells and roast me over the fire for some perceived slight (though farther up the blog-circle of life, this is patently not the case - good reason to be smal and unnoticed.) I can write what I want, when I want, as often as I want, in my pajamas if I want.. It's tremendously liberating.

I like to write...always have...but when writing became a job and a daily grind, it lost some of its allure. Now I can write for me.

And I resolve to be more dedicated in churning it out. I resolve to write something every day during which I have access to a computer...something not merely linking someone else's work. It's like going back to the gym...once you start using those muscles, it's hard to imagine a day without a workout.

I'm back.


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