Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Political McNuggets

Some political McNuggets (trans fat-free, of course).


John McCain has shown he is a crafty, cunning old political wolf. Appointing former RINO Sen. Mike DeWine (spit!) as chairman of his Ohio 2008 Presidential election campaign is sheer genius. It’s like Sun Tzu said, “you’ve just gotta do the lamest, dumbass thing you can think of so your enemy won’t be expecting it – then you can really stick it to them (apologies to Sun Tzu if I have inadvertently misquoted him.)”

I’d say McCain’s move embodies that philosophy. Imagine…appointing a political hack who lost his incumbent seat by a big margin because even staunch party members couldn’t stand the sight of him. DeWine’s ascension is the last thing anyone would expect. It’s daring, unexpected, unorthodox, some might say.

I’d say it’s stupid.


I haven’t found anyone one either side I can comfortably lean toward for election 2008.

For the Republicans:
McCain: Too old, soft on illegal immigration, would support Assault Weapons Ban.
Giuliani: Anti gun, soft on illegal immigration, New York point of view.
Romney: Bigger politically expedient flip-flopper than Kerry or Hillary.
Duncan Hunter: Currently my best hope, though I’m unsure whether he’ll gain enough momentum to attain the upper tier.
Tancredo: Mixed gun position, pushes “Social Security lockbox” myth.
Gingrich: Hasn’t announced, lot of baggage.

For the Democrats:
Obama: No experience, thinks unions are the answer, anti gun.
Clinton: Will say anything the polls tell her to say, wants to expand government role, is married to Bill.
Richardson: Soft on illegal immigration, anti-military.

Applications from candidates who are pro-gun, fiscally conservative, smaller government, pro-abortion rights, pro-privatizing Social Security, anti-illegal immigration, pro-homeland and international security and pro-education vouchers are being accepted at the Rantmeister’s office. Wipe your feet off before you come in and try not to step in that furball the cat hacked up in the doorway.


This internet thingy makes it easy for anyone to check whether their representatives are “speaking with a forked tongue” about past events. From Victor Davis Hanson:

“Why did a majority of Democratic senators — such as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Chris Dodd, John Edwards, Harry Reid, Jay Rockefeller, and Chuck Schumer — vote to authorize a war with Iraq on Oct. 11, 2002? And why is this war now supposedly George Bush’s misfortune and not theirs?”

It’s all there at the touch of a button, Buckos, and no complicit media can cover for you any more.


Things are getting good between Obama and Hillary…at least there’s some entertainment value in these skirmishes more than a year and a half before election 2008. I was a little surprised to hear entertainment mogul David Geffen slam the Clintons:

”Geffen, who was a co-host of an Obama fundraiser Tuesday night in Los Angeles, saved even sharper criticism for former president Bill Clinton, to whom he was close before a falling-out over the pardoning of financier Marc Rich at the end of Clinton's second term. "I don't think anybody believes that in the last six years, all of a sudden Bill Clinton has become a different person," Geffen said in an oblique reference to questions surrounding the former president's private life.”

I smell a Celebrity Death Match in the offing!



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