Flipping Robert "the Byrd"

During the seven years I lived in West Virginia, I voted against Sen. Robert Byrd. He's the embodiment of everything that's wrong with government: he's a well-heeled ex-Klansman who preaches concern for the rights of the little man while vacuuming up an inordinant amount of our tax dollars to be spent on state projects with his name on them.
He's a megalomaniac who achieves reelection because he brings huge sums of cash to his impoverished state. It doesn't help the average Joe, mind you, but the state sure has some damn fine parks, highways and bridges (all named Byrd, of course.)
It's nice to see that Byrd has achieved some notoriety for his Porkbarrel antics.
From the Porkbusters website:
Senator Byrd's diligence in bringing home taxpayer dollars to his home state earned him the title King of Pork from Citizens Against Government Waste, and we must humbly agree, and therefore grant the good Senator our Lifetime Achievement Award.
Hopefully, Mountain Staters will begin to see past the lavish parks and highways to the fact that Byrd is bad for the country. He's a well-positioned leech buying votes with the shiny new presents he brings home.
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