Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Disappointed with Bostick Plantation hunt

They say all experience is useful…even if it just means you learn not to make the same mistake again.

I hope that’s true of my just-completed deer/boar hunting trip to the Bostick Plantation, given to my father in May as a birthday present. During this trip, we saw virtually no game, were housed in a hovel (the "fully-renovated" main lodge) and were forced to listen to our guides’ pained tales of better times. The hot weather, we were told (it was not hot), was keeping the game from moving. The guides were pleasant; the office staff less so.

The 24 hunters in camp during our stay on the 10,000-acre plantation got a combined total of one tiny 8-point deer and three small hogs, most of that total coming from the non-trophy area not touted by Plantation literature. We were allowed two hogs a day or one hog and one deer. I personally saw three small deer (biggest was a 3” spike buck), NO pigs during hunting hours (our real objective in going there to hunt), four turkeys, about 20 armadillos, one raccoon and countless squirrels. My father shot at one small hog, saw 5 tiny deer during the 30+ hours that we hunted and a couple turkeys. This from the place which boasts the “hunt of a lifetime.”

Spare me.

From their website:

“We do not allow any buck to be harvested unless it has a spread of at least 16". We want all of our younger bucks to have the opportunity to grow up, mature, and become a trophy for some lucky hunter in another season or two. Our very strict Trophy Management Plan combined with our habitat management program have allowed us to maintain some of the BEST HUNTING in the South!”

If true, and game was truly abundant, that practice should have resulted in scads of young deer running around However, they just didn’t put in an appearance during the four days we were there. Judging by some other reviews, they’ve been scarce at other times too.

I looked out in my own pasture this morning and saw seven deer and 12 turkeys. Game over…the Rantmeister’s own plantation has a better claim to the title…and I don’t sell hunts.

I should have researched the place more thoroughly on the internet before choosing to hunt there. I would have found numerous reviews from people complaining about the lack of game. You can’t run 30-50 people per week through a free range, non-stocked hunting area and expect to have a good hunting experience. All hunting at Bostick is also done from stands which have mainly been in place for years…and all the game knows the location of the stands (which probably stink to high heaven with human scent from years of high-intensity use.) Hunters are prohibited from stalking game and must remain at their stands, even after shooting something – which could mean leaving the game rotting in the sun while waiting for the guides to come back at the end of the hunting session.

I saw a few hog tracks along muddy sections of the plantation, but virtually no deer tracks. I also saw only two deer during our after-dark rides back to camp – leaving me to the conclusion that game is in mighty short supply there.

The guides also seemed to know each of the very-few deer seen…not a good sign for a place supposedly bursting with gamey goodness.

In the end, I can’t blame the Bostick people for trying to make money…but I can blame myself for not checking their reviews more thoroughly. Lesson learned…fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me.


At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am extremely disappointed with Bostick. I took my 11 year old grandson for a deer and boar hunt. He got 2 boar one very small and the other medium size. The medium size one I paid to have it's head mounted. That was over a year ago. Bostick has had 101 excuses as sto why they haven't sent the head. I even asked for my money back. They keep saying they are going to. Please folks this outfit is a poorly run plantation. No one will take responsibility for anything. Thomas Mills

At 4:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously nothing has changed in the past 4 years. I went in August in hopes of killing a buck in velvet, by the end of the hunt I was just hoping to see something other than rabbits.
Only 1 animal was killed while I was there, a 100 lb pig

At 2:58 PM, Anonymous Bostick Hunt Scam said...

HUNTERS BEWARE!!! Nov, 2010 I am a hunter that went and lost time and money at Bostick Plantation, Estill, South Carolina 29918 Stay away. The food sucks, stands are worse, food plots don't exist, guides are idiots, deer live somewhere other than here. But if you like to hunt in a 20 year old wood stand full of hornets, over looking a road (thats right just 12 feet by 50-75 yards) then give them a try. This place has been over hunted and under managed for along time. I've hunted over 30 states, 4 countries and this place is the worst I've ever seen, I do realize hunting is hunting. But in 3 days of hunting, out of 20 or so hunters 7 deer were taken 2 of which were does. NO HOGS WERE SEEN. Bostick lied to me about success rate as I'm sure they did to you too. I was told by bostick management that success rate was 70% for buck deer. I personally only seen 3 does 1 button buck. Please take my word for this place find somewhere else to hunt. I came 2000 miles for "the best deer hunt South Carolina has to offer", if this is the best I will never go to S.C. again. I should've done more research I hope you do to. I will do my best to make sure everyone knows how bad this place is. Including S.C. DNR, B.B.B. along with as many hunt chats and forums as I can post this message to. STAY CLEAR OF BOSTICK PLANTATION In S.C. !!! Don't listen to anyone that claims to have had a great time and success here because it isn't true.

At 9:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

BEWARE: If you do fall for this scam - PLEASE post your comments (You will have plenty) after y our hunt. You might save someone from wasting their money on a Bostick Plantation hunt. Worst trip that myself and 9 friends went on in 2010. Nothing was seen even during perfect weather. Jimmy Haskins only does what Joe Bostick tells him to do. Jimmy it is not worth the deceit you are forced to continue for a paycheck. Be respectable get another job.

At 8:24 AM, Anonymous I hate Bostick said...

I wish I had seen this before my May 3-6 2012 "hog hunt". The guides are a joke and the place is worse. Out of 14 hunters, 2 tiny hogs were shot in the wild. They trapped 3 more for the ones dumb enough to shoot a caged animal. The group of 10 people that were in the "main lodge (now a dump house in Estill - the original is leased out)" were smoking pot and showing up drunk. One guy had his gun loaded in the truck. The truck broke down 3 times and left us stranded. They drove us past the the back of a gun range while the yahoos in the other group were shooting. Yes, you read that right. We had to dive for cover in the truck. The guides were late every day. The office lady was rude. The owner's son brought his family into the lodge while we were out hunting to use the pool and they drank our beverages! The only hogs we got were ones that someone from town trapped and were going to dispose of. They not only were terrible guides, but they endangered our lives. Stay as far away from those idiots as you can. The guide mentioned in previous posts isn't there any more. The new head guide is a joker named Phil. When we told him about the pot smoker his comment was "That's not right. Unless he brings enough for everybody, he shouldn't bring it..."

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just the facts: Three day hunt. Three hunters, but really only two as my daughter doubled up with her hunting buddy in the same stands. One hunter shot two does at 300 yds. and missed an 8 point buck at 250 yds. My daughter shot a 7 point buck at 45 yds. and let a doe with two young deer go. Hunters say about another 6 or 7 deer which were not opportunities. I walked a mile up the road and back two mornings and saw a total of 5 deer from the road. I am not a hunter, so make your own judgment as to whether that is good or not. The "Executive Lodge" was past its glory days, but clean, spacious, quiet and comfortable. Cooks were friendly and food was good. The woman in the office was polite but not friendly. The guide was friendly and did exactly what he said he would do when he said he would do it. We were 7 weeks into the season and before the rut. Weather was hot. No rain.

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Sampson said...

I hunted there in 1995. Myself and 2 companions quail hunt and wild boar. We had a great time and the hunt was great. Joe Bostic was a great guy and fun to be around. His guide was really a good guy too. I am sorry to read these reviews. I was planning a boar hunt this year with my grandson.
Now I am rethinking that.

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I and 2 friends drove from RI to Bostick for a 3 day hunt we saw "0" pigs "0" deer. This place might have been good hunting in it's day but obviously that's all history. I was told by our guide the family has broken the property up and was fighting so they were not stocking pigs as they should. Stocking?

At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We went to bostick the weekend before labor day 2010 and our group of 5 were the only ones in the executive lodge. The food was good and the staff was attentive to our needs. Jimmy went above and beyond to make sure we saw game and were happy.
All 5 hunters got.a shot at a trophy. The problem is 3 missed. In the rain we lost the biggest buck because the blood trail was gone. Jimmy and staff looked for over 4 hours. We did come home with a 139 class 9 point and 2 boars that were each over 375lbs. The largest weighed 452 lbs. We had a great hunt. Our expectations were exceeded. They are not high fenced so they cant guarantee a kill because they dont control: weather, deer movement, or accuracy. If you want a guaranteed kill and want to look at lotsof big bucks then u must spend the $8k or more to go to a high fence!

At 7:25 PM, Blogger jade said...

he roof is high enough inside so that I don't bash my head on the ceiling if I stand up too fast and the window openings are about 40 inches high. Deer Scent Reviews

At 3:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hunted there twice in 1996 and 1997 first hunt shot a 7 point first night on stand next morning shot a white boar then saw 17 deer 2 were shoot able bucks that I passed and the last night shot a monster 11 point and my father shot an 8 point buck. went back again shot another seven point and another guy with us shot a buck do not remember the size. two trips were both good back then sorry to hear how it has gone down. food always sucked lol. but I have a great buck on the wall and great memories with my father who has now passed.


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