Nielsen's ra(n)tings

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Friday, August 11, 2006

Media swarm

Media lemmings

The media was out in force yesterday at Cleveland Hopkins Airport, thanks to the heightened state of terrorism alert following the arrest of the accused British Muslims who intended to blow up jets full of people. Here, everyone gathers around a Hopkins bigwig, doing their pitiful best to sound insightful and knowledgeable. Here's a question: Isn't it time that media people were chosen more for their reporting abilities and intelligence than looks?

I watched the media as we waited for the arrival of our latest exchange student...watched them scurry after one another to make sure no station got footage the others didn't have. It was like watching a flock of chickens...when one chicken finds something and pecks it, all the other chickens have to come over and peck the item (even if it's a rock) because that's what chickens do.

Apparently media people pursue that strategy as well.

I actually watched one video guy film the inside of the garbage can, then observed all the other photographers come shambling over for their own garbage can was laughable.


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