Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Reply to RNC spam

I received a bulk email from Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman bragging up the RNC's latest video lampooning the Democrats' home security efforts. It struck a nerve with me. Here was my reply:

Mr. Mehlman:

Keep America’s families safe? Don’t even talk to me about keeping America’s families safe until the Republicans make concrete progress on closing the borders to the flood of people illegally crossing from Mexico.

And don’t you dare ask me to continue to support your candidates and agenda until you’ve demonstrated to me your commitment on this issue. It seems from recent news that you’re willing to sell out the wishes of the American public for the concerns of the business community and a few votes on the illegal immigration issue…shame on you for your actions and shame on me for supporting them. I may not vote a straight ticket for the Democrats this Fall, but as things stand, I’m sure as heck not going to vote for Republican candidates who blatantly ignore the will of the people.

The Rantmeister

Think I'm off his Christmas card list now?


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