Democrats: Reuniting Mexico and Texas?

Was there any doubt who stands to gain votes if the hordes of illegal aliens are granted amnesty? And reuniting Texas with Mexico?
I guess this just shows the depths to which politicians are willing to go to win votes. The fact that they'd link Texas and Mexico, suggesting one large country, turns my stomach. I'd like to know who paid for this leaflet, and if it's the Texas Democratic Party, I hope the voters make them pay the price come election time. Picture from Michelle Malkin's site...she's been on top of the immigration protest coverage so far.
As I warned in my earlier post, these protests are going to backfire. They're going to rouse the American public and will end up costing the Democrats votes, as the party becomes known as the one seeking to protect people who have flouted our laws - the illegal aliens. There are a lot of dedicated Democrats who have a big problem with these people who have chosen to ignore our national sovereignty and the governmental officials who are enabling them.
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