Nielsen's ra(n)tings

Politics, guns, homeschooling for the gifted, scuba, hunting, farming and somewhat coherent occasional ranting from your average Buckeye State journalist/dad/farmer/actor.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Is our soft civilization doomed?

There was an interesting article by Selwyn Duke in the American Thinker about the hurdles western civilizations, particularly the United States, face when dealing with the spread of the Islamic culture. From the article:

“People may laugh. That's crazy, say they, we have the greatest military in the world, the most advanced technology, and a nuclear umbrella. Yes, that's true. But first, I don't claim we'll fall tomorrow, next month, or next year. Even more significantly, though, external enemies would not initiate our undoing. The fact is that no body, no matter how strong, imposing and well-armored, can survive an untreated disease metastasizing rapidly within. The smallest bacteria can kill giants as easily as dwarves.

And that is what ails us. Every time an action designed to preserve western civilization is taken or even proposed, a great internecine battle ensues. We capture combatants on the battlefield and then spend millions in legal fees debating whether to adjudicate their cases in civil or military courts. We rightly scrutinize Imams making a scene at an airport and then spend millions more arguing about so-called "racial profiling." And it's incessant. Every act nowadays, from singling out illegals for deportation and the suspicious for scrutiny to getting swatted by "Tigger" to a six-year-old boy giving a girl a peck on the cheek, is met with hand-wringing and a disproportionate reaction. And far too often litigation results, costing us valuable resources.“

While I agree wholeheartedly with his assessment of the situation, and have said the same thing in previous posts, I have faith that the bulk of the American people will wake to the danger before it is too late. We’re a fickle people…as prone to swing from a largely coddling worldview to one of bloodthirsty vengeance.

Read the whole thing…it’s well worth it.

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